Construction is one of four industries that will collectively contribute 62.1% of Australian employment growth in the five years to May 2024. More jobs will mean more people. The construction industry needs to be equipped with the capability and tools to meet emergent trends and challenges to successfully deliver this.
According to Master Builders Australia CEO Denita Wawn, the government's focus on using the building and construction industry to generate economic stimulus had placed a "huge amount of pressure" on supply chains in Australia and globally. Availability, price, and location of resources, including skilled labour, building materials, and building equipment, are concerns.
More stringent building compliance requirements, an ageing workforce and a diminishing number of new entrants into the construction workforce have placed the industry under stress, meaning an active focus is required to attract and retain talent to meet the demand for construction services. Here are three trends that are currently shaping employment in construction:-
1. Soft Skills Demand
Job vacancy data has revealed that the top requested skills by employers were soft skills such as communication and planning. According to the Construction, Plumbing and Services IRC's Skills Forecast, the top generic skills required for the construction industry include:
2. Technology and Training
Although the industry is yet to experience significant digital disruption, major technological advances in everyday digital technology, automation for lower-skilled jobs, building information modelling (BIM), and prefabrication will require the workforce to be trained, re-trained and upskilled for the new jobs and tasks required.
The answer doesn't just lie in the weekly pay packet but also in being recognised and valued as an employer with a diverse workforce. Today, meaningful work is supported by learning and development and includes opportunities for career progression. Ongoing learning and development is a high priority for candidates currently.
Emerging workforce skills include those that harness new technologies and those that focus on retaining traditional building trades. A multiskilled workforce is worth its weight in gold. Micro-credentialing and life-long learning are buzz words at the moment. Developing skill sets, allowing workers to upskill, learning how to use new tools, techniques or technologies, or move to a related field of employment are all on the table by proactive companies looking to retain their staff.
3. Diversity Equals Opportunity
Diversity in 2022, and being seen as a culturally capable employer with an inclusive culture can benefit employers. Recognising the pivotal role that the construction industry plays in the national economy, support for workforce diversification is also driven by industry bodies and across various state governments.
In bidding for significant construction and infrastructure programs, businesses that demonstrate a commitment to diversity may also have a competitive advantage and be valued and better reflect your client's needs and values. An evident culture where people feel included, valued, and connected and articulating a clear commitment and plan may also position employers to win key tenders, contracts, grants, and awards. Further, being recognised and valued as a diverse employer will attract a broader range of top talent.
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CONNECT with us via our contact page or booking links on our website if you are looking to recruit for or land the ideal construction job in 2022.
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