As the end of the year approaches, it is typical to review the year, what you have achieved, and how you might like the coming year to be better or different.
The coming holiday period and industry breaks offers an opportunity to look at a change in employment. So what's the best way to go about changing jobs over the holiday period?
When is the best time to make the move?
Forbes says that if you're looking to change jobs over the holiday break then it's better to do it in January rather than December. There's less hiring going on at the end of the year, as companies are busy wrapping everything up before they go away for the holidays. When they come back in January they'll be more interested in taking on staff as they get stuck in to the new year's projects.
For people in the construction industry, it's worth remembering some construction sites close down for a set period over the holidays (although there are plenty of jobs that carry on through).
You know the old saying by the philosopher Seneca “luck is when opportunity meets preparation”. This means that even if you’ve set a goal for after the holiday season, you need to be productive beforehand. Use the time to make sure your CV is up to date and looking good.
Start searching now and get up to speed on what jobs are on offer, who is employing and what is their reputation. The various social occasions that happen over the holidays could be opportunities to network and investigate possible job opportunities.
Questions to Ask Yourself
Things to ask yourself when you're considering a change of career you should think about the following:
What you want from a new job.
Do you want a bigger challenge? Or is it that you want to do work more in line with your beliefs and values? Perhaps you need a job that works around your family or other commitments.
Changing Employers or Roles:
You might be happy with the kind of work you're doing and just want to do it for another company. But perhaps you're looking at finding another type of role altogether? If this is the case you'll need to look into what's required to work in this new industry, and if you need new qualifications or upskilling.
What do you stand to lose?
While you may be unsatisfied in your current job, that doesn't mean it doesn't have its good points. Are there things about this job that you're unwilling to lose, or that you'll need a new job to match? Take the opportunity to talk with a specialist Recruiter that has their finger on the pulse in the industry, like Construction Recruitment, for guidance on how to take the next step.
What To Do Next
Keep up to speed with jobs in construction and who is employing by registering for our Job Alerts. If you find a job you would love, applying is fast and easy.
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