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Candidate Experiences To Avoid

August 1, 2022

What Do They Say About You When You’re Not In The Room

A great employer reputation and brand depends on a great candidate experience. When you are wanting to attract top talent that has a voice among their peers, the last thing you need is them trashing your organisation’s reputation to others.

Understanding how your organisation is viewed by clients and potential candidates, can be summed up in the famous adage ‘how do they talk about you when you’re not in the room’. We share in this article five things that will leave candidates with a bad feeling about an organisation, that they will share with others:-

  1. Poorly written job description

    There is nothing worse for a candidate then trying to customise a resume and write a covering letter based on minimal information. If candidates get through to an interview stage and discover the advertised role is significantly different to the job description, you will have one unhappy camper on your hands.

  2. An unclear and long application process

    Whether these relate to the resume, interview or application process, if you have unclear instructions it sets a bad tone and make you look unprofessional. Simply, you won’t attract top talent unless your materials and processes match their level. Let candidates know how long the role will be open for applications, expectations around being short-listed and when they will be interviewed. Giving candidates some expectations about the timeline of the hiring process will alleviate of lot of their concerns.

  3. No confirmation on application

    There is nothing worse for a candidate than getting excited about the job advertised, going through the time and process of submitting an application, then to hear……… nothing.
    All it takes is an email, even an automated acknowledgement, to let candidates know that their application has been received and is undergoing review. When candidates are engaged in a busy job search, it will work in your favour to let them know quickly at each stage of the process, and whether they are being considered for a role.

  4. No communication when the role has been filled

    You’re done. You’ve selected your candidate, and you’ve got a start date. Fantastic, end of recruitment job. No. You have people waiting and it is respectful to let them know when a job has been filled. This is a simple process to implement, and the respect that you give will be reflected back in how candidates talk about you when you are not in the room. You never know when they are your next team member!

Of course, at Construction-Recruitment, our high level systems and expert team are tested, refined and trained to keep everyone informed with a high level of efficient and meaningful communication.

CONNECT with us via our contact page or booking links on our website if you are looking to recruit for or land the ideal construction job in 2022.

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