Are you proud of what you achieved on your construction project today?
Could you have done better?
Did you make a positive difference?
These three key questions are simple yet powerful for the performance of you and your team. Most people can quickly answer the first two questions but struggle to answer the last one.
So why ask these questions at all? A large and growing body of research on positive organisational psychology demonstrates that a positive workplace environment leads to higher engagement from employees that directly benefits themselves, their employers, and the bottom line.
The benefits are outstanding
In studies by the Queens School of Business and by the Gallup Organisation, engaged workers had 63% less absenteeism, 51% fewer accidents, 40% fewer errors and defects, 82% higher productivity, 84% higher profitability, 63% higher job growth, and over time, 35% higher share price. Importantly, businesses with highly engaged employees enjoyed 100% more job applications. Aha, now we’ve got your attention!
Questions to Ask
To help you decide how much of a difference you made, answer these simple questions below. Some may be quick to say, ‘but that’s not part of my job’. People in the head office find the contracts, and the senior managers interface with the clients. Well, yes, that is true, but not the entire picture. Anyone on a construction project can hear of potential new projects, ideas and savings when they talk to suppliers, subcontractors, and their network (professional and private). This can provide strong leads, pathways or efficiencies for the company.
Further, every person in the company is responsible for the negative or positive experience that customers, contractors and suppliers have with you and your team as representatives of the company. Cultivating an attitude of making a positive difference takes active focus and honest answers to:-
Congratulations if you said yes to most of these questions. You have an attitude for success.
Successful People Practice Mindfulness for Peak Job Performance
Identifying GRIT in Candidates for Mutual Success
The Latest Facts and Stats for the Construction Industry
CONNECT with us via our contact page or booking links on our website if you are looking to recruit for or land the ideal construction job in 2022.
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