At any one time, generally 12% of people are actively looking for a new job, whilst 45% of people are open to opportunities if they come their way. You may enjoy your job, but you could always encounter a better opportunity. You find a position that better suits your career path, offers better benefits or has a shorter commute time or is in a location more suited to the lifestyle you desire. While it’s difficult to leave a job you enjoy, if there is a better opportunity, you should pursue it.
A career should have a steady upward trajectory, but it may not be available at every company. If you feel there are no opportunities for advancement at your current company, you may need to seek opportunities elsewhere. Check first however, some companies create new positions for employees with unique qualifications or abilities. It’s helpful to research the business you work for to see if they have an employment gap that you could fill in a new role. If not, research alternate employers for advancement opportunities.
Every business has it’s demand periods. However, if you feel that you constantly have less time to spend at home because of your work, or you are starting to give up the things that make life enjoyable, like time with friends, sports or hobbies, it could be time to find a new job that better accommodates your personal life. You should speak with your manager first before taking steps to pursue other opportunities in the chance they can help ease some of your workplace stress.
It is important that as you gain years of experience, new skillsets or qualifications, that your role and its reward keeps up also. While it may feel like a good thing to complete your work every day and have additional time leftover, this can be a sign that it’s time to find a job that offers more challenges. Seeking a new opportunity can help you learn more, progress in your career path and complete new challenges every day.
Feeling as if you have too many duties to complete in one day can be a sign of needing a new job. If you feel as if you’re overworked, you may need to seek an opportunity in which you feel comfortable with the workload. Before looking for a new job, speak with your manager or supervisor and express your concerns. They may be able to help with certain tasks or hire another employee to complete some of your duties.
“Burn out” can occur when you complete the same tasks or duties continuously over a long period of time. Sometimes, burn out can lead to a decrease in productivity. This is a natural reaction which happens to many employees, and the best way to solve the problem is to find a new challenge that helps you feel excited to work again.
Cultures change, intentions change, people change. In some cases, employees may find it difficult to fit in with the workplace culture. For example, you may enjoy being involved with your community while your company could be uninterested. Finding a business that shares the same values as you can help you feel more motivated and productive.
Top 10 Reasons Why Employees Leave
Employing the 'Right' Person in Construction
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