At Construction-Recruitment, we have over 20 years in recruitment with an exceptional highly-skilled team. This experience is a huge part of our success and has enabled us to fast-track productive relationships and build rapport quickly. What we have learned is there are five key factors in attracting, interviewing and engaging top talent:-
1. Rapport and trust
We have a natural rapport with around 10-30% of the people we meet. Understanding how rapport and trust are formed – and how to accelerate the process – is a vital skill for recruiters and interviewers.
2. First impressions
A first impression is formed in a fraction of a second – and is based mainly on visual and auditory signals rather than the content of what is spoken. Excellent recruitment bypasses some internal bias that may prevent the engagement of great candidates. Sometimes employers have an unknown internal tendency (a mental map of the world that subconsciously affects their perception or unconscious memory of someone in the past where a bad experience is projected onto the candidate). A different perspective of the recruiter can be beneficial to capture important information and criteria and provide feedback that provides an objective view that prevents a missed opportunity.
3. Non-verbal communication
Research shows that how we say something is more important than what we say. In Western culture, we rely particularly on non-verbal communication – particularly visual and auditory cues to form our first impressions of people. However, there are several reasons why stellar candidates do not give a great first impression, e.g. nervousness or cultures where expressive styles are different. A great recruiter will prepare a candidate for an interview and bring out their authenticity, where what is said aligns with how things are said.
4. Mindset
There is a tendency to hire for existing capabilities, whereas in 2022, it is better to hire for a growth mindset and soft skills and recruit for potential. And the old saying "hire for attitude and train for skill" is even more critical in 2022. Recruiting for a fast-changing environment means we need to be able to identify candidates that are adaptive as well as have the skill set required. Today, it is crucial to understand how self-ware a candidate is, how well they manage their emotions, and how good they are at relationship management. Research suggests that high-level soft skills and emotional intelligence are leading predictors of success.
5. Motivation
People are motivated by different things, which can significantly affect what roles they perform and how they fare. Understanding the employer's culture, motivation, and criteria is as important as understanding this from a candidate. A successful match cannot be made without this. Exploring the primary motivators, different for each age demographic and role, particularly when successfully negotiating reward packages – is a vital part of the recruiters' job.
4 Tips To Be First In Line To Pick Top Talent
3 Trends Shaping Employment in Construction
Gen ‘Z’s Need More Rapport When Recruiting
CONNECT with us via our contact page or booking links on our website if you are looking to recruit for or land the ideal construction job in 2022.
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