At Construction Recruitment, we are seeing a lot of movement with candidates in the industry at the moment. Today, a job is no longer guaranteed for life. If you’ve decided it’s time to resign from your current job, you may wishto consider the etiquette and know the best practices to resign professionally to maintain your good reputation in the industry.If you get it wrong, the implications can be significant. How you handle your resignation and depart for another job impacts your career. Remember, a good reference is vital for your future job search success, and it is not only the one you get in writing, but also those future critical conversations had during reference checks.
Plan How to Resign
Resigning Face to Face
It is easier to quit over SMS or email as resignation conversations are obviously awkward and difficult. However, you will win huge kudos and enhance your reputation as an upfront person of character when you make an effort to deliver a difficult message to your boss face to face.
Face-to-face communication is associated with professional messages and importance and is the preferred mode of communication for many employer announcements and team meetings. Because being face-to-face is rich with non-verbal cues, tone of voice, facial expressions, body language, empathy and humour are often lost when not face-to-face.
Meeting face-to-face shows your strength of character, and it also demonstrates that you take your career, your role, the company, and your decision seriously. Your boss may not thank you for it, but they will respect you.
Content of Your Resignation Letter
Yes, there is a right way to write a resignation letter. It should include five key points:
I can’t love them;they’re B......#@&%^
It happens. Sometimes the working conditions or circumstances in a workplace have no chance of improving and are impossible to handle. If you are resigning because you are unhappy with your role or the company,think carefully about how you handle this and if there is really any benefit to airing your reasons for leaving.
You may feel differently with time and a chance to cool off. Ultimately, you may regret anything you relay in the heat of the moment, so don’tgo into detail in your resignation letter. Instead, there is no need to commit bitterness to paper, and simply state your intention to resign. Keep it simple and to the point.
Leave on a Positive Note (yes, even if they are B......#@&%^’s)
If you can, try toleave on a positive note. Remember, it’s your reputation -that’s the thing you have control of. We can’t control what happens to us, but we can control our response. Focus on the positive experiences you’ve had, some great people you have met, the skillsyou learned, what experiences you picked up and where you had the opportunity to make a positive difference in your role and others.When resigning, try not to dwell on the past and focus your resignation on your future career goals. This helps you minimise negativity towards your current employer and shows you are serious about advancing your career and achieving your goals.However, it is not necessary to share who your new employer is. You can keep this confidential if you prefer.
Four Things To Do, SoThey Love You Too, As You Leave
1. Train your replacement or prepare detailed handover notes:
It is expensive to bring on a new employee in a role. Training your replacement or writing detailed handover notes will save your employer precious time and resources and reduce the transition time. Your replacement will also love you, and you never know; one day, you may be working together in the future. Even if all the information is included in the software, handover notes that include the below are a considerateguidance to transition:-
2. Show Up Until the Last Day
And we don’t mean show up in your tennis gear; we mean work hard right up until the last day. You clearly want a solid professional reputation of having a great work ethic, so don’t jeopardise your reputation in your final weeks. To demonstrate your continued productivity that you will be thanked for during transition:-
3.Prepare for the Exit Interview
Expect your employer to ask if a particular event triggered your decision to leave, what they were doing well, what they can do differently, and if you feel your salary and benefits were appropriate for the role. Be prepared to share constructive feedback and insightful information about your work experiences. Avoid making complaints. These interviews help your employer in two ways –it confirms what they already know or suspect or alert them to important issues they weren’t aware of.
4.Part on Good Terms
You can definitely parton good terms with a professional approach and cement your reputation. Your working relationships, colleagues and broader relationships may continue in your new or future roles throughout your career. Some of these, you will become good friends, or you will work with again in the future. In any event, it feels good to leave on good terms. You may wish to send a group email message to thank the staff. Be positive and share what you liked about working with them, what you are grateful and your contact details if you wish to stay in touch after you leave. For those you have a closer relationship with (or wish to), perhaps catch up one-to-one or phone them directly.
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CONNECT with us via our contact page or booking links on our website if you are looking to recruit for or land the ideal construction job in 2022.
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