It’s the new year, and you’re looking for a fresh start. Have you ever counted yourself out for a role because you have not been an exact match on all the stated job requirements or experience needed in a job advertisement?
The next time this happens, take a step back.
Take a Deeper Dive into the Advertisement
Look at the roles in terms of how it plays realistically to your potential, rather than whether you tick every single box in the job description at this stage. Of course, if you see a killer job and several key requirements that you don’t meet, then it’s best not to apply and waste time.
Keep in mind that when job descriptions and listings are written, employers target a ‘dream’ hire, and it is unlikely that any applicant will meet every one of the criteria. However, provided applicants show an intelligent and considered approach, most employers are open-minded when reviewing job applications. For this reason, there is usually a certain level of flexibility looking for aptitude, attitudes and potential rather than an exact match.
Assess Before Dismiss
Take the time to really assess the skills or competency requirements stated in the advertisement and carefully review each section and formulate questions similar to:-
1. Is the requirement a fundamental key requirement for the job? If not, do you possess other required skills to ensure you can do the job successfully?
2. Is there a specific requirement around technology (i.e. specific software) not central to the role? Do you possess other software experience that would make it easy for you to adapt?
3. Does the role require specific industry or organisation knowledge? Do you possess relevant experience that would enable you to learn this quickly?
4. Is the job located in a different area? Assess whether you are willing to relocate for the opportunity and have your questions ready to ask a prospective employer about relocation assistance.
5. Can you demonstrate both the willingness and a history of learning new skills and competencies?
6. Have you specific demonstrable soft skills that you have not yet had the opportunity to exercise yet in your career?
7. What other unique and relevant qualities do you have that differs from the criteria that more than compensate for any differences you see in the job description alone.
An Alternate Proposition?
If you are missing a particular skill or experience, ensure you’ve researched what you would need to do to overcome this gap. If you have an alternative experience that compensates for any differences, ensure you back up your resume claims with real-life evidence of your successes in previous roles to help the reader appreciate your potential.
What is essential here is that the onus is on you to make it obvious to the employer how well-matched you are to the role. You need to have a clear proposition to the company of why they should employ you and that you are committed to your development.
Presenting the Proposition
That way, when you are presenting your CV, covering letter and interview questions, focus on what you can bring to the role to answer each specified area rather than highlighting what you don’t meet. Suppose you are genuinely excited about the role and demonstrate an authentic passion for the vacancy (beyond the salary). In that case, an employer may decide your transferable skills, commitment, experiences, and ability to take on new challenges makes it well worth considering you.
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